The scientific intellect of Indian society: A worthy leverage to a developing country

Science is a quest for the truth a systematic body of knowledge and a way of life. Since the beginning of the millennia, science and technology had a huge impact on human life.

It has been improving life in many ways unimaginable. It has helped man to transform himself from a meek evolutionary consequence to the apex predator on the face of the Earth. It made us capable of harnessing and manipulating the powers of nature and made us able to use it at our will.

Our society has undergone humongous transformations as a result of applying the scientific method in solving our day to day hassles. Indian society has been a torchbearer in the field of scientific advancements since time immemorial. India has been a pioneer in fields like plastic surgery and composite metallurgy since ancient times. It is evident as we look at scientific treaties written by Susruta(susrutasamhita) and Nagarjuna (Rasavada). We were able to transform the ordinary human capability into something unparalleled by the usage of the scientific method. The above-provided treatises paved the way to great breakthroughs such as advanced compound plastic surgery, the invention of rustproof metal alloys, advanced metal composites like Baghdad steel used in weapons like Urumi. These gave us leverage over the rest of the world in terms of intellect.

Though most of the scientific knowledge currently prevalent in our society is Western and post-colonial, still our country’s role has been significant. The synthesis of Tetracycline by our Indian scientist Yellapragada Subbarao has made the world a safe place by avoiding tetanus infection. Works of Dr.Har Gobind Khorana another Indian scientist who is an expert in field of genitics has made it easy to identify genetic and autoimmune diseases like AIDS and LUPUS with help of tests like ELISA(Enzyme-Linked ImmunoSorbent Assay). We have introduced to the world calculus in a place called Sangamagrama by ancient mathematicians before it was even comprehended by Newton and Leibnitz. The mathematical research and hypotheses and formulae written by Indian legend Srinivasa Ramanujan a celebrated Indian mathematician has been used in the field of algorithm synthesis for AI, satellite positioning and Quantum mechanics involving multiple dimensions, etc. Great mathematicians like G.H.Hardy were amazed at the intellect of this Indian genius. But it does not stop there.

Sathyendranath Bose along with Albert Einstein found out a new state of matter itself.  Legends like J C Bose and C V Raman have done groundbreaking works in field of physics. Using their concepts and works the current society is able to function with perfect technological sanity and synchronization.

Science has impacted our Indian society in such a profound manner that it led to the origin of such great geniuses referred to above. It has also helped to eradicate many social and communal evils and superstitions which are the result of pseudoscientific misconceptions with the help of scientific facts. It has shaped our Indian society to become the world leader in the field of scientific advancements in the future. It gave our society and our people the potency to create miracles in science and to transform the world into a haven of ethical and moral tranquillity. 

We have come a long way from being mindless savages running after animals with sharpened sticks for food to interplanetary space travel. As time progresses the advancements in the field of science in India will increase at an exponential rate. But in order for the betterment of society, we have to set aside the differences between people who provide ideas as in the world of science the superiority belongs to the innovator and not to a person who brags about personal or monetary humongousness. Being a snob doesn’t help as science advances as knowledge prospers and in order for knowledge to prosper moral tranquillity is paramount. 

India has the youngest population in the world. We have the potential and the time to move forward to great leaps and bounds in science. If we work together in the field of science and technology contributing to our society and our world without bias we will be unstoppable. As unstoppable as a fired bullet shattering hitting the target. As we progress intellectually we will face failures. But they must be another learning experience and should not impact our progress. If our progress gets hampered by failure then there will be no going forward.

We have the ability to create miracles in science. We were the country that found the presence of water on the moon. We were the first country to reach Mars in our first attempt that too with a meagre budget. If we work with focus and sheer will, then the possibilities of greatness will be endless.

As an Indian, I believe that in the coming years our country will provide the world with great scientific advancements that will make our society a benchmark in terms of a scientifically advanced one. If we work hard and believe in our efforts we will be victorious one day and our glory will shine on the rest of the world-leading them to a path of scientific salvation

©Sheela Joby

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